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Clergy Compensation Planning

Imagine a structured process that is driven by a personal relationship between Clergy (Client) and the Financial Consultant whereby a customized plan is created and implemented. The Clergy Compensation Plan is the tool to help the Clergy member and Consultant to manage the pathway to success.

Building a Team with the Right Partners or Staff members ( your Human Resources department, Tax professional or CPA, and other Financial Consultants)

We need to build the best team in order for us to help you meet your financial planning goals. We need to know who's on your team and what they offer to the partnership in terms of experience or specialty.

The Church Governing Body is a strategic partner that makes key decisions in this process. We need to educate them concerning the fundamentals of a sound Clergy Compensation Plan and how to best support its success. The fact is that most Pastors and clergy members alike opt out of Social Security for retirement benefits and do not save adequately for their later years of retirement.

We also need to round out the partnership with all the other partners that you rely on for advice and the ability to add value to the overall planning process and your success.

Taking the Steps to Put the Process into Action Critical steps to your financial future start with:

Engaging our Clergy Compensation Planner to assist you in a Financial Planning process with a focus on your compensation package planning, retirement planning, and estate planning.

Attending a data gathering meeting.

Reviewing your customized financial plan designed and prepared by the Clergy Compensation Planner and Team.

Facilitating the opportunity for the Planning Team to present the proposed reallocation of the compensation package to the Church Governing Body.